Get Gmail alerts by SMS

Get Gmail alerts by SMS

How does it work?

1. Creating a filter condition and linking it to a label in Gmail.
2. Google Docs periodically monitors the label thread for new incoming emails and creates a Google Calendar SMS reminder on receiving it.
3. Google Calendar sends you a SMS alert containing the subject of your message.
So lets see how to set it up. Might look lengthy but it’s very easy.

1. Setting up Google Calendar to make SMS as default reminder channel

1. Log in to Google Calendar
2. Click on the Gears icon on the top right and select settings.

3. Now click on the Mobile Setup tab.

4. Select Country, enter your Phone number and now click Send Verification Code. Now enter the code you got on your mobile and verify your number. If you don’t receive the code check if your carriers fall under supported mobile providers.

5. Now in Notifications select SMS as your default notification channel and save it.

2. Creating filter condition and linking to Label in Gmail

  • Login to Gmail.
  • Click on the Gears icon on the top right and select Settings.
  • Go to Labels tab.
  • Scroll down and click Create new label.
  • Give label name as sendsms and click create. Now label creation is done.
  • Now click on filter tab.
  • Click Create a new filter.
  • If you want SMS alerts only for emails from some important person such as your boss. Set the filter condition using ‘from’ field.
    If you want SMS alerts for all incoming emails. Set the ‘Has the words’ field with is:inbox

Configuring Google Docs To Monitor your Sites

1. Log in to Google Docs.

2. Click here to make copy of the Google Spreadsheet.

3. In F3 to F6 cell you can enter the URL of the sites you want to monitor. Currently supports up to four sites. You can tweak the code to support many more.

4. In cell F8 enter your Email Address into which you want to get alerts. Entering phone number is not required as it will be picked up from Google Calendar.
5. Now select Tools-> Script editor.
6. Select Resources-> Current script’s triggers. Under Run select “isMySiteDown” then in Event select Time-Driven, Minutes timer and Every minute and save it. Now click the Authorize button and then Grant Access. Save the trigger again.

Now on Google Docs will be polling and monitoring all the sites you have entered every minute. You will be getting SMS alertEmail alert when any of the mentioned site is DOWN, the exception/error details will be logged in ‘C’ column and URL will be logged in ‘B’ column helping you identify which site was actually down. Similarly you will be getting alerts once the site which was DOWN is UP again.
If you are interested you can find the source code here. Feel free to modify and tweak it.

You're Done!
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